To mention a few:
A visual tool to create, connect and share ideas online, worked as our first argumentation based CI demonstrator, it has attracted a community of over 6000 users, and has been used and integrated with other tools by different research communities.
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The Evidence Hub
A collaborative knowledge building tool, has been taken up by more than 14 communities of professionals in the health, urban planning and education sectors.
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An online collaborative mapping and argumentation tool, since its first launch in 2015, has been used in 13 different countries, by 60 community groups, who built over 500 Maps to confirm an emerging public and education impact.
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An online deliberation and collaborative decision-making platform, has already being tested with 6 different external users’ communities in the social innovation sector (OuiShare, Wisdom Hacker, DS&NY, CSPC, UTOPIA, I4P) and two Urban Community Networks.
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Democratic Reflection
An audience feedback crowd-sourcing tool, allows the audience of a live event to instantly express their views. The tool was developed in the political communication context but it is based on a method that is domain agnostic and can be applied to gathering citizen feedback to any live event.
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